Happy New Year! We hope that the Christmas holiday was joyful for all of our families and that 2025 blesses the CJF community with peace, good health, and happiness.
During the month of January, we reflect on the virtue of peace and its connection to one of the Beatitudes: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God" (Matthew 5:9). What does it mean to be a peacemaker? How do we encourage children to be peacemakers in a world where there is much conflict?
The foundation of peace in our own life begins with being in right relationship with God. When our hearts are aligned with God’s will, we experience the inner calm and assurance that only He can provide. Yet we know that each day we are faced with struggles and decisions that are not in line with God’s will. Acknowledging this with our children and sharing with them how we too need to work on being in harmony with God helps them know that this isn’t something that just happens; it is a commitment that requires prayer and trust.
When challenges arise—whether at home, school, or on the playground—we can model how to resolve them with patience, kindness, and understanding. We help our children become peacemakers by showing them that true peace is not just the absence of conflict but the presence of justice, mercy, and love. Let us work together to teach our children that they are called to be peacemakers—not through their strength alone but through the
grace of God, who is the source of true peace.